The Best 2024 Fall Skincare Routine – What to Add When Summer Fades to Fall

The Best 2024 Fall Skincare Routine – What to Add When Summer Fades to Fall

Oct 13, 2023
by Bonnie Giangrande minute read

Fall is here as we feel the change with cooler weather, see the days getting shorter, and back-to-school and work schedule ‘hustle’ upon us here in New England.  As we look forward to this transition in seasons, we need to consider how to care for our skin when the temperature starts to drop. Summertime skincare products will most likely be shelved, and the richer, more hydrating options will now be at your fingertips. It’s now time to adapt your product lineup to meet the needs of your skin! Lucky for you, we have all of the tips and recommendations on what products you should be using in your fall skin care routine, so let's dive in!

Renu Naturals Products - Fall Skincare Routine

Cleanser and Moisturizer – Is That Enough?

Summer months can bring excessive heat and humidity with moisture in the air which helps your skin to look hydrated and healthy.  As we transition to cooler and drier weather, adding products and changing existing stand-bys will be the start of your new Fall Skincare Routine. Your cleanser might change consistency to a creamier version (unless you’re oily) and your moisturizer from being a light lotion in a pump to a richer more emollient cream in a jar. Our Beauty Balm with Bakuchiol is the perfect example of this with its creamy and indulgent formula that also offers the natural alternative to retinol known as "Bakuchiol". This ingredients offers anti-aging benefits and aids in improved skin firmness, tone and overall lifting.
With that being said, cleansing and moisturizing isn't going to cut it by themselves. There are a few more steps and products you should be including in your skincare routine! 

What Steps to Add in your Fall Skincare Routine & What Products to Use

Let's start off by saying that you don’t need to revamp your entire skincare routine, instead, think about what your skin needs, and add a few steps and products to get your there. Hydration is key!

Load Up on The Moisturizer, Including Eye Cream

Your lightweight moisturizer worked wonderfully in the summer months, but might not stand a chance against the dryness of the fall air. Pick a product with ceramides - these are essential fatty acids that are naturally found in the skin and need replenishing in colder temperatures. For a natural route, try our Nourishing Night Cream formulated with citrus oils which moisturize without clogging your pores. Eye Cream is a must – daily, nightly, seasonally. This targeted treatment is a concentrated formula with active ingredients to address all signs of aging and lifestyle stress.

Which Moisturizer is Best for My Skin?

 Using a moisturizer regularly helps the skin maintain the right balance, and prevents the effects of environmental harm. With so many options, how do you know which to choose?  Use a moisturizer according to your skin type to get the best results. 
Address Skin Concerns - If you have oily skin, invest in creams that include seed oils such as argan, sunflower, rose hips, or grapeseed. These oils, apart from providing moisture, are known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammation properties, preventing and managing breakouts and reducing acne. If your skin is dry, choosing a moisturizer with shea butter and a blend of botanical seed oils will instantly give it the hydration it needs.

Maintain Youthful-Looking Skin - Our skin is continuously renewing itself, exposing the new skin to dryness and the elements. The most sensitive areas that also reveal signs of aging are our hands, neck and chest, forehead and under-eye. Keeping these target areas protected with moisture will aid in repairing cells faster, and keep your skin looking youthful. Moisturizers made with natural ingredients such as shea butter, essential oils, and botanicals can pack quite a moisture punch, and really work to maintain skin tone, texture and hydration.

Prevents Premature Aging - With the breakdown of collagen and elastin as we age, wrinkles will naturally appear. You can prolong their appearance by protecting your skin: avoid sun exposure, manage stress, eat healthy foods packed with vitamins & minerals and consistently moisturize with effective ingredients. Moisturize. Moisturize. Moisturize. Starting a healthy natural skincare routine early is key to having long, lasting beautiful skin.
Renu Naturals Moisturizer

Face Masks For A Boost In Hydration

A face mask will both prevent dryness and boost hydration, based on the ingredients. Adding a mask a few times per week will provide your skin with a boost of clarity, hydration and nourishment. Our Hydra Rich Mineral Mask with Sea Plankton is the perfect addition to your fall skincare routine. This mask is designed to dry at the perfect speed to allow for maximum nutrient absorption. Your skin will look and feel smooth, soft and glowing following application! Plus, it will feel wonderful after you pamper yourself with it!

Benefits of Adding a Face Mask to Your Fall Skincare Routine

Adding a face mask weekly to your routine will provide multiple benefits to the overall healthy of your skin.  Aside from a little TLC, let’s uncover what a mask can actually do.

Unclog And Decongest Pores - A face mask formulated with earths precious Clays are the chief ingredient that will help remove dirt and congestion and absorb excess oil produced by the skin. They also aid in sloughing the buildup of dead skin cells, revealing cleaner, fresher, newer skin beneath. Clean pores mean fewer chances of eruptions and breakouts. The right ingredients will detoxify and clarify the skin.

Boost Hydration - Masks help in stimulating blood circulation. Applying a clay mask, letting it absorb, and then removing it expands the blood vessels in our skin. A hydrating mask will deliver an intensive burst of nourishing and therapeutic skin care ingredients in a highly concentrated form to quench your skin.

Gateway to Better Skin - Masks clear the way for your other products to work effectively. They help in aiding those products to now be absorbed correctly into the skin. Why put a beautiful botanical serum and moisturizer on skin that is clogged, congested and dull? Clear the way to getting results by adding a mask to your Fall skincare routine.

mineral and clay face mask

Cut Back On the Exfoliating Scrub, But DONT Skip It!

Exfoliation is a necessary step to deep clean your pores and remove dead skin build up without stripping the skin of its natural oils. Our skin exposure to the elements of cold, wind and frigid temperatures weakens the skin barrier, causing our skin to be more vulnerable to irritation and dryness. Reduce your exfoliation to once in two weeks with a gentle scrub, followed by a serum and moisturizer. The combination of finely crushed walnut herbal powder infused with an aromatic blend of organic Lavender and Rosemary essential oil, Grapeseed oil and Vitamin E, will gently polish and wash away dead skin cells, leaving your skin extra soft, clear and lightly moisturized. 

Renu Naturals Hydra Whip Exfoliator

Switch to a Hydrating Toner

Toner is a staple in your skin care routine, no matter the season. In the summer months, clarifying toners help in keeping pores free of congestion and reduce the production of oil. Using a hydrating toner such as Renu Organic Rose Petal and Hibiscus Toner will surely help in the cooler months with its alcohol-free formula. This formula helps to strengthen your skin barrier and delivers hydration and balance to the skin. It's rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and rose petals which contain a variety of polyphenols, which provide anti-aging properties, and minimize the appearance of pores. 
Organic Rose Toner


Add a Serum to Your Fall Skincare Routine

Swapping your regular moisturizer for a heftier one is sometimes all you need, but adding a serum will exponentially provide faster results. Serums have a smaller molecule formulation that easily penetrates the skin's surface to achieve a deeper level of moisture. They contain a higher concentration of active ingredients (such as hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, and vitamin E and C) than typical facial moisturizers.
Known for their effectiveness, face serums are often used to manage specific skin care concerns, such as wrinkles, dark spots, texture and dehydration. Using a serum in conjunction with a moisturizer will lock in hydration and provide a smoother, glowing and healthier complexion. Looking for the perfect serum for you? Check out our RENU Vitamin C Serum with Matrixyl.
Renu Naturals Serum

Will You Be Making These Changes to Your Fall Skincare Routine?

Just as you adapt your wardrobe to the change in seasons, the same applies to your skincare routine. Protection and prevention are paramount when it comes to temperature change, so ramping up your routine to fit those needs just makes sense. Go ahead and swap out the cleanser, level-up that moisturizer and add in a serum, mask and ever-so-important eye cream. Your skin will look brighter and healthier, with a radiant, natural glow! Keep an eye out, here soon we will be releasing our NEWEST formula "Replenish Retinol Cream"! This formula will be ready in time for Christmas and will make the perfect addition to your fall and winter skincare routines! Have questions on a fall skincare routine perfect for you? Comment below! We'd love to help you find the perfect products for you.


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