Hi there,

We want to tell you about a great new online storefront specifically for our business buyers! Ordering and receiving The Laughing Tree Organics products directly from TUNDRA is now easier than ever.

Check it out here: tundra.com/shop/the-laughing-tree

Our new storefront will allow you to buy direct at our wholesale prices with no fees or margin added. You see real-time shipping costs directly from our warehouse and lead times for any quantity delivered to your door. If you are an international buyer, you’ll see duties and taxes at checkout and you can pay in your local currency. Upon purchase you'll receive an invoice instantly, along with online order tracking, and the logistics are automated with UPS, DHL, trucking, airline, and ocean carriers.

Order online with integrated global shipping and volume pricing. Buy directly from us on Tundra.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions. Your partnership is very important to us and we look forward to our continued relationship!